Help with Numerical Integrationtion
Prof. Richard B. Goldstein

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(x2 + 2x - 1)5/3 is Math.pow((x*x+2*x-1),5/3)
eqsample is Math.sqrt(Math.sin(x)/(Math.pow(2,x)+3*Math.log(x)))

calculus formula Javascript Function lower limit upper limit value
#1 integex1 3*Math.sqrt(x) 1 4 14
#2 integex2 Math.exp(3*x)*Math.sin(2*x) 0 Math.PI/4 2.58862863250748

The formulas and program will work well for most proper integrals (finite lower and upper limits and no singularities). However there are always counterexamples that work poorly. In general, the trapezoid method is least efficient and the Romberg is most efficient of these four methods.

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